stage name intak (인탁)
position rapper & dancer
birthday august 31, 2003
zodiac sign virgo
height 160 cm (5’11”)
blood type O
extra facts !
• intak was born in new zealand and can speak english, but can’t speak fluently.
• he likes to write music.
• his name means “make your name widely know by engraving it to the east”.
• his hobbies include : football, looking at clothes and fashion models.
• his personality is he has a great spirit of challenges, lively, loving, and affectionate.
• his memorable audition song is ‘love yourself’ by justin bieber.
• his favorite musicians are michael jackson, chris brown, asap rocky, and EK
• his favorite fashion items are necklaces, hats, wide pants, and slim tops.
• his favorite foods are bread, meat, and desserts (sweets).
• his favorite movies are *Forrest Gump and About Time.
• his favorite quote is If you really want it and believe in it, it will come true.”
• his favorite parts of his face are his eyes and his chin.
• he wants to be remembered as an unrivaled artist
• life motto: “Let’s live in our own way” (It means to live with his own kind of ‘coolness’ without being caught up in anyone’s style).
• his life’s bucket list is to become like his favorite musicians.
cute pictures of a cute boy !!!
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